Denver Post Visits our Bakery

The weekend of 16 April 2011 was one to remember when a very special two-page article was published in the Denver Post Outside Guide (click here to read the story on line).

We were so very honored to be selected at the best place along Colorado's front range to get pie!

Outside Guide: Top-shelf Front Range pie purveyors
By William Porter
The Denver Post 16 April 2011

We'd all like to say a big Thank You! to our customers, fans, and the staff writers for the Denver Post for this incredible nod of approval for our products. We genuinely appreciate knowing how much people love pie, especially ours.

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Estes Park Pie Shop & Bakery
509 Big Thompson Ave • Estes Park • CO • 80517
Lower Stanley Village (next to McDonalds)
970-577-PIES (970-577-7437)