
Stop by the shop, or email us, for your FREE bumper sticker! Take it home and apply it to your vehicle. Send us a picture via email for posting on this site, our facebook site, and at the pie shop. THE CONTESTANT WITH THE PICTURE FROM THE FURTHEST LOCALE WINS A FREE GOODIE BASKET SHIPPED TO YOUR DOOR! Picture must contain your license plate (numbers will be blocked before posting for your protection). A new winner will be chosen each quarter. Happy Pictures! Call 970.577.7437 or 970.586.5743. Email (remove underscores), or go to the contact page of this site!

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Estes Park Pie Shop & Bakery
509 Big Thompson Ave • Estes Park • CO • 80517
Lower Stanley Village (next to McDonalds)
970-577-PIES (970-577-7437)