You love our baked goods, now you can join a growing list of restaurants and cafes that sell our goods--don't worry, no one has to know they aren't fresh from your oven. We cannot name names, but among our clients we have a world famous hotel, wine and cheese shop, and various cafes and coffee houses across the Rocky Mountain region. We provide fresh baked breads, pies, cookies, muffins, cinnamon rolls, basically anything from our menu along with specialty created items exclusive to some of our clients. These are delivered fresh from our bakery directly to your establishment. Please contact us about setting up an account. Take what we do best and improve sales at your own business without all the work necessary to create world-class baked goods.
Please email us your contact information and interest directly to: [remove underscores]
Estes Park Pie Shop & Bakery
509 Big Thompson Ave • Estes Park • CO • 80517
970-577-PIES (970-577-7437)